At Friends Together, we pledge to the highest safety and protection for our students and staff. All medical forms are required upon admission into our programs, and yearly thereafter. Health records and immunizations records are to be current for enrollment.
Weather permitting, our children have opportunities for active playing outdoors, all year long. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Pack gloves, hats, scarves, sunscreen, etc.
In order to preserve the health of our students, teachers, and staff, Friends Together restricts attendance of any persons bearing contagious or ill-like symptoms. If your child is sent home from school exhibiting such symptoms, they may return to school after a 24-hour threshold, along with a mandatory doctors note. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, emergency contact individuals will be notified. All emergency contact information must be current. Please notify the office of any changes.
Our staff work hard to maintain a germ-free environment. We use antibacterial soap on tables; stress the use of tissues & covering off our mouths when sneezing or coughing. Our children & staff wash their hands with soap and running water after: toileting, diapering, before/after food handling, and returning indoors from outdoor play. Toys are washed and sanitized regularly.
Water & Food Safety
We are a nut-free facility. All are required in sending nut-free meals and snacks for their children. Additionally, your child’s allergies and misc. conditions are to be documented via medical form on enrollment. We use a reverse-osmosis water filtration system.
Special Health Needs
If your child has other health needs, please inform the teacher/director in writing. All students must have an individual Health Care Plan signed by your pediatrician. We will consult with you to work to maintain the environment according to the recommendations of the child’s health practitioner, to better understand how the allergy manifests, and what to do in case of exposure.
If your child requires an Epinephrine auto-injector (Epi-Pen), we will administer when necessary to prevent anaphylaxis during an emergency situation. You must complete a “Permission to Apply Form” written consent in order for appropriate staff to administer the Epi-Pen.
Medicines & Over the Counter Ointments
Our staff prohibits the administration of prescription medications. However, under our school licenses, we bear waiver to administer emergency medications including Epi-Pens, asthma inhalers and nebulizers. Over-the-counter topical ointments such as diaper cream or sunscreen, may be applied by staff with signed written consent. You must supply the medicament or topical product with your child’s name labeled, along with a completed “Permission to Apply Form”.
Accidents & Injuries
Our certified and qualified staff maintain utmost supervision and take every precaution to avoid an accident or injury. In every facility, we have CPR, First-Aid, and Epi-Pen trained/certified staff members. Parents/guardians will be promptly notified from the school in the event of an accident or injury. Followed by communication via Brightwheel or phone call, the incident will then be documented via our Brightwheel app.